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Window Prisms

They are actually magical objects that also help to enhance sunlight transmission and obtain better performance. As little as those instruments were, they had great might - the power to transform any area into a wonderland of splendor. 

Beveled glass is tempered with a NOAIDA special chemical treatment that allows sunlight to be refracted like light passing through water; when the sun shines just right and hits those angels of incidence, they break this 90 degree prism organic illumination into a spread spectrum rainbow set in an exquisite horizontal band we all recognize from somewhere.

Into the Territory of Window Prisms

Century decorators and interior designers had always wanted such an opulent bay window, so even today it was popular. Some turn to these prisms for colorful displays at beauty shows, many more seek relaxation in the form of meditation or unloading stress. 

These NOAIDA prisms are made in a wide range of sizes from small handheld pieces to huge installations that require enough space. Each one could be hung from the window frame, attached to Angle Of Prism walls or ceilings - construction an original visual for Prism prisms.

Why choose NOAIDA Window Prisms?

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