Deall y gwahaniaethau rhwng gwahanol ddeunyddiau gwydr optegol.

Dinas Nanyang Jingliang optegol technoleg Co., Ltd.


prism hafalochrog

This special 3D shape an equilateral prism can open out a lot of scope for exploration and likewise problem-solving. So, let us talk more about the interesting features & uses of this fun shape!

    Magic Of Equilateral Prisms - Revealed

    Certainly an equilateral prism takes a special place among the universe of geometric shapes. The two bases are two equilateral triangles that by using all sides have same length; it refers to being regular. Now, imagine a rectangle box where the bottom and top surfaces used to be are replaced by equilateral triangles.

    Why choose NOAIDA an equilateral prism?

    Categorïau cynnyrch cysylltiedig

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    Cysylltwch â'n hymgynghorwyr am fwy o gynhyrchion sydd ar gael.

    Gofynnwch am Ddyfynbris Nawr
