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glass prism pyramid

Néztél már valaha a kristályüveg prizma? It has a very unique shape and it bends and divides a light in such a cool way. Prism pyramids made of glass are made from a unique type of glass that has the magical property of dispersing light into several colours. Not only are they pretty to look at, but they teach us about the nature of light!

Discovering the World of Glass Prism Pyramids

Just like that — if you hold a Üveg prizma facing towards the light, something incredibly awesome appears. The pyramid allows light to hit it and then refracts it into all the wonderful beautiful colors of the rainbow. This remarkable effect happens due to the pyramid shape, where the light alters its route, making it refract all the way through. If you want to observe this on your own, do it with a flashlight along with a clear glass prism pyramid! You can simply just shine the flashlight on the prism and see the colors ????. It's like magic!

Why choose NOAIDA glass prism pyramid?

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