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Nanyang City Jingliang Optical Technology Co., Ltd.


Corner cube mirror

A corner cube mirror is a mirror which consists of three shiny surfaces forming the three corners of a cube. Picture a box with its sides meeting its top and bottom at right angles, with each corner essentially a mirror cube. These surfaces are arranged in such a way that any light entering the cube, bounces back out in the direction from which it came. It means that if you fired a beam of light at a corner cube mirror from absolutely any angle, the beam would bounce back to you, like a ball bouncing off a wall.

The Fascinating Technology Behind Corner Cube Mirrors

The corner cube (or corner-cube) mera has a wide variety of applications in science and in industry. In telescopes, they actually direct light so we can see distant objects in space more easily, and are fairly useful. We wouldn't be able to see stars and planets as clearly without these mirrors. They are also applied to survey instruments to by reflecting the laser beam to its origin.

Why choose NOAIDA Corner cube mirror?

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