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Nanyang City Jingliang Optical Technology Co., Ltd.


starnavigator ng 102mm achromatic refractor telescope

NOAIDA is really excited to present the new Starnavigator NG 102mm achromatic refractor telescope. This is a great way to look at the night sky with it as one of those telescopes for young stargazers. Offering a big, 102mm clear aperture to better check things out. And, it includes a new computerized feature that lets you find different stars, planets and other stunning things in the sky with just a few taps. The included sturdy tripod, along with the adjustable mount that keeps the telescope steady while you're viewing stars, make for a much more enjoyable experience.

Stargazing made easy with Starnavigator NG 102mm refractor telescope

A telescope that is perfect for toddlers interested to see the stars through astronomy, Yes, we are talking about the Starnavigator NG 102mm model. The best part about this telescope is its ease of use, so it will surely provide tons of fun even for beginners. It has a special locator, guiding your telescope to cool stuff in the sky, so you do not have to search for long. This is why stargazing is such a favourable family activity! Another reason it is an excellent bonding activity for parents and kids alike, is because anyone can look at the stars and planets together. Stargazing turns into an exciting adventure with something new to be discovered each time you look through the telescope.

Why choose NOAIDA starnavigator ng 102mm achromatic refractor telescope?

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