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Nanyang City Jingliang Optical Technology Co., Ltd.


uses of bi concave lens

About Us NOAIDA is also super happy to finally to your attention the list super and Bi concave(lens)!! A lens is a glass or transparent medium which can refract light. This change in direction is known as refraction. Bi concave lenses (also called negative lens) are interesting because they are thicker at the edge and thinner in the middle. Take a look at an example of a bi concave lens and you will see that it has structure similar to the inside of a bowl. It does interesting things with light because of this neat shape.

How the bi concave lens is used in microscopy

The microscope, one of the most amazing applications of the bi concave lens. Microscopes are machines that we use to view things too small to see with the eye alone like the tiny cells that life is made of. To examine these small things, scientists utilize bi concave lenses as microscopes. These lenses are used to magnify small objects. Since the light is being spread by that bi concave lens, we can view a wider portion of the object we are observing. Having a wider perspective makes it easier to discover minuscule things that we would otherwise be incapable of seeing.

Why choose NOAIDA uses of bi concave lens?

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