
เมืองนันยาง Jingliang Optical Technology Co., Ltd.


cosmos 150mm achromat refractor

Explore more night sky using NOAIDA's Cosmos 150mm Achromat Refractor! For centuries, humanity has had an infinite curiosity about space and its wonders. This means you will be able to see the stars, planets and so many other celestial bodies as never before with this fantastic telescope. Kind of as if we are all honored to a magic spyhole to existence in the garden.

Explore distant galaxies with unparalleled clarity and precision.

Galaxy hunting through a Cosmos 150mm Achromat Refractor telescope. A big lens is better and this telescope has a large aperture. At 150mm, this is an exceptionally large aperture for a telescope. Which means it is capable of gathering a much higher volume of light! Telescopes can gather more light, and that means you can see better details in the stars, planets and everything else interesting going on out there in the dark.

Why choose NOAIDA cosmos 150mm achromat refractor?



